For all your used car and truck needs!
If you or someone you know is looking for niche car or truck part, the team at Waterloo Auto Recyclers will be able to help. With an impressive and in-depth inventory, the process remains simple with their easy-to-use system, and over 100,000 parts to choose from. If clients choose to, the option of enjoying the unique experience of pulling your own desired parts is available. Waterloo Auto Parts carries all types of used auto and truck parts ranging from, but not limited to engines, hoods, fenders, tail lights, transmissions, calipers, starters, cylinder heads, radiators, bumpers, AC compressors and much more. If you are looking to donate your vehicle, Waterloo Auto Recyclers offers the opportunity to donate the value of the vehicle to any affiliated charity of choice. For some, the big question is why purchase used automotive and truck parts? There are several answers to this question. The first answer would be quality, used parts sold by Waterloo Auto Recyclers are made by ...